Tying devices for cable rings

As cable coils and cable bundles are difficult to handle without binding, we offer various cable binding devices. You can use these simply and easily with our ring winding devices to fix the cable rings wound on them.

Binding machines

With our cable tying devices, cable rings can be tied quickly and easily. An elastic twine is wrapped around the material to be tied and knotted automatically. The tension of the twine can be adjusted individually to ensure that even vulnerable items can be tied without risk. One tying device is ideal for cable bundles and very small cable rings up to 35 mm in diameter. The other, on the other hand, is the latest development in the field of modern bundling technology and is equipped with sophisticated clamping and knotting technology

Binding and strapping machine

The SoniXs M-RI cable tying machine is particularly suitable for tying long cables and very small coils up to 35 mm in diameter. It is characterized by an automatic strap threading system and a ring-shaped clamping frame. With this tying and strapping machine, you can choose between PP and PET straps for tying and the strap tension can be adjusted via web HMI.

  • Adjustable tension of the string

  • Simple and
    quick setting

  • Automatic
    Tying of cable rings

  • Fits perfectly with
    our ring wrapping devices


Ring insert attachment for coiling rings for our mobile coiling machines

Automatic changing device KRI-KA for changing cable ring winders and stackers

Automated guided vehicle system AGV for the automatic removal of finished cable rings

Forklift attachment for easy transportation of cable reels to the drum storage system